By admin on November 4, 2024

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Hi All, The Tanya’s Courage Trust (supporting young people affected by cancer) are once again holding their Christmas Market in St Austell Town.
The event is taking place on Saturday 7th December and will run from 10am until 5pm.
This will be an indoor event in the old peacocks unit in white river place. This date is probably the busiest day of the year in St Austell.
Last year was a huge success.
We hope to see lots of you there to help us make this a fantastic day for the charity and our local community.
Regards Iris
Posted in News
By admin on September 27, 2023
The Benefits… Volunteering…. How It Can Help You
Meet new people and build your professional network
Build your skills and gain work experience
Volunteers have higher odds of finding employment in todays job market
Stay engaged in the world of work
Increases self confidence
Make a difference in your community and create a sense of belonging
Face new experiences and challenge yourself
If any of that sounds interesting to you then get in touch with us now:
St Austell: 01726 71224
Penryn : 01326 375941
Posted in News
By admin on July 7, 2021

We’d like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest members of staff, we have had some new members join our amazing team since December, but we’ve not had a chance to officially welcome everyone yet, so here we go, a massive warm welcome to:
Marlene – St Austell
Dragora – St Austell
Sara – Bodmin
Don – Bodmin
Victoria – Penryn
Bex – Penryn
We know they will be amazing assets to our team!
Posted in News
By admin on July 7, 2021
Continuing from the story on the homepage:
It’s been a while since we had a bit of a shake up here at TCT, so we thought we’d freshen up a little.
St Austell and Bodmin have had a refit, and the shops and the backup areas are looking fabulous, the systems we have processed makes the day to day jobs for our staff much easier, which then means you as our supporters get a better experience in our shops, with new stock out every day.
Penryn is next on the list to have their re-fit, this will take place week commencing 26th July, and unfortunately in order to do this effectively and safely, we will have to close the shop whilst this takes place.
All of our shops have amazing new signage (Penryn is being done in the next week or so, exciting times), which I am sure you all agree looks amazing, and stands out perfectly.
We’d like to say a massive shout out to our staff, volunteers and customers for their patience during all these changes, it’s been a trying time with the changes mixed in with the pandemic, but we are coming out the other side, shining brighter than ever before.
Posted in News
By admin on September 24, 2020
So we are very excited here at Tanya’s Courage Trust, we have been given a wonderful opportunity from our lovely Landlord in St Austell to have a pop up shop in the main street, whilst he looks for new tenants. We have moved our main store now into Fore Street, and our previous shop is being transformed into a beautiful seasonal shop, seeling everything for all seasons, from Halloween, Christmas, right through to Valentines and Easter.
We are very excited to open the seasonal shop, the main shop is now open and receiving lots of positive feedback.
Once we open the seasonal shop, we will announce on ouyr Social Media Platform as well as on here.
As per our other shops and the government guidelines, the seasonal shop will also have measures in place to coincide with the new policies etc given by the government.
We look forward to you seeing our new adventure.
Thank you again for the support.
Posted in News
By admin on September 24, 2020

We are now displaying the Test and Trace NHS QR Codes in all of ur shops and Offices. Please scan the code into the NHS Covid-19 app, to help us to help stop the spread of the virus.
Thank you.
Posted in News
By admin on September 23, 2020
At Tanya’s Courage Trust, we have been working really hard in behing the scenes to ensure our Staff, Volunteers and Customers are all safe and that our shops and offices are Covid Secure under the current Guidelines.
Here you will find the information you need to know about how we are doing this:
Our Shops have changed the layout to enable a one way system for our customers to follow
The Floors have markings/stickers to mark out the 2 meter distance that must be kept between customers
We have new trading hours of 10am until 4pm, this allows us to clean and restock thoroughly before and after opening
We have strict cleaning procedures in place alongside a new policy and procedures booklet that all staff must adhere to
All staff must wear masks during their working hours unless they are exempt, if they are exempt, duties will include working behind the scenes to limit the risk of them contracting Covid
All customers are asked to wear a mask unless they are exempt
Till points have perspex screens
There are signs throughout the shops to remind customers of social distancing
We have limited the number of customers in the shop at one time to 4, this is to reduce crowding and ensuring social distancing is adhered to
We have hand sanitiser points for customers when entering and leaving the shops
We are asking, where possible, that customers pay by card, cash is accepted but card payments are preferred
Donations are quarantined in a seperate room for 72 hours, before being sorted or displayed
We have QR Codes diplayed for the NHS Track and Trace, it is not mandatory to scan the code, but we politely ask customers if they could do so, to help us help the NHS and Governement to reduce the spread.
Offices and Hub:
In our offices, staff are working from home wherever possible, this means emails and telephone calls may not be answered immediately, please leave a message on our answer phone, we will respond as soon as we can.
We have signs reminding staff of the 2 menter distance, and all staff and volunteers are trained on the Covid Policies and Procedures.
Strict cleaning daily is part of the morning and afternoon schedule
Donations are stored in quarantine for 72 hours before being sorted for distribution
Staff and volunteers do not handle donations when receiving them, the donor must place them into the cage themselves
Customers and Visitors must wear a mask, unless exempt
Staff/Volunteers must wear a mask when greeting and serving customers
Office/Desk workers are responsible for keeping their work space clean according to the Covid Cleaning Policy
Where possible staff and volunteers must keep a safe distance from each other
Hand sanitiser is provided for staff/volunteers and customers
Floors are marked with reminders of 2 meter distances
We have QR Codes displayed for the NHS Track and Trace app, it is not mandatory for customers to scan this, but we politely ask that you do so, to help us help the NHS and Government to reduce the spread of Covid.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Covid-19 Policies, precautions etc, please visit the Contact Us page and drop us an email or telephone call and we will be more than happy to help and discuss this with you.
Thank you to all of our customers for continuing to support us, and for complying with our requirements to keep everyone safe as possible.
Stay Safe Everyone.
Posted in News
By admin on May 7, 2020
In a world of such uncertainty at this present time, and you are wondering how you can play a part in the new world we are stepping in to, please do consider supporting The Tanya’s Courage Trust as we continue to support young people fighting Cancer accross Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. – Rich
Posted in News | Tagged money
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