November 2009

You are browsing the archive for November 2009.

Tanya’s Courage on ITV Westcountry News

Tune into Westcountry News at 6pm tonight as The Tanya’s Courage Trust will be announcing some big exciting news.
Please leave comments on here after the news has been announced, we would love to hear some feedback.

Big News for Tanya’s Courage

As some of you may be aware we have been waiting to announce some exciting news for a few days now, well we have been given the ok to announce the news today.
After a very interesting meeting on Tuesday it was agreed that The Tanya’s Courage Trust are going to be heavily involved in developing a treatment [...]

Tanya’s Courage Trust Now Offers Free Counselling

Thanks to a very kind lady named Jaki Bedingham from AAAIB, we can now offer free counselling to our beneficiaries and/or their families.
We would like to say a big thank you to Jaki, as this has been something that we have wanted to offer for a long time, but have not been able to because [...]

New Website Now Live!

We would like to thank Creative Cherry for all their hard work creating this wonderful new website! We are so happy with the site as well as our Logo, lets hope this is the start of big exciting things for The Tanya’s Courage Trust.
Please feel free to leave your comments about the new site as [...]