New Shop

So we are very excited here at Tanya’s Courage Trust, we have been given a wonderful opportunity from our lovely Landlord in St Austell to have a pop up shop in the main street, whilst he looks for new tenants. We have moved our main store now into Fore Street, and our previous shop is being transformed into a beautiful seasonal shop, seeling everything for all seasons, from Halloween, Christmas, right through to Valentines and Easter.

We are very excited to open the seasonal shop, the main shop is now open and receiving lots of positive feedback.

Once we open the seasonal shop, we will announce on ouyr Social Media Platform as well as on here.

As per our other shops and the government guidelines, the seasonal shop will also have measures in place to coincide with the new policies etc given by the government.

We look forward to you seeing our new adventure.

Thank you again for the support.

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