Who We've Helped
Meet the people that we have helped
Over the years we have helped a huge number of young people with cancer, and their families. To show the work we do here are some quotes from a selection of our beneficiaries and supporters:
"The Tanya’s Courage Trust is brave and beautiful. In 2009 I was lucky enough to meet the dedicated Billing family and through them have one of the most special days of my life. I spent a day cooking with Lauren Hoare, one of the most courageous and wonderful people I have ever met. It is a day that is a constant reminder of how lucky I am and how precious life is. Thank you Iris, Nikki and Eddie for the work you do and thank you for organizing the time I spent with Lauren, I feel very privileged to have known her and I will remember her always. I will remember her cooking and laughing and I will remember her teaching me to make balloon animals and I will remember us rolling pasta with her whole family and an electric drill. There is laughter and there are tears in each memory and all of them are filled with admiration for her and her family. Anyone who can do anything to help this incredible charity please do, you get back infinitely more than you give". Alex Mackay - TV Chef
"I popped into the Gwithian Unit today for Clinic and saw my Cancer Support Nurse. She presented me with a white box, and I was delighted to discover that it was an iPad! It was really generous of Tanya's Courage to get me a wonderful gadget to help entertain, inspire and delight me! I have aready spent many hours in hospital waiting rooms with nothing much to do and dreaming of having an iPad! Nw thanks to Tanya's Courage my dream has come true, it won't matter anymore if my appointments are running late! Thank you again for your generosity and kindness". Beneficiary - Anon
"Tanya's Courage Trust enabled me to see and speak to my daughter while in isolation which was the part of my treatment I was dreading the most, I cannot thank them enough for making that very difficult time a more bearable one". Beneficiary - Rosalie
“I never thought that I would ever be able to get used to the fact that I was ill with 2 forms of cancer until I was introduced to The Tanya’s Courage Trust, they made me feel like a human being again offering me the dream of a life time by meeting Pop Star, James Morrison and attending his concert, but they also gave me back a friend too. Without Tanya’s Courage and what they did for me and what they still do, I wouldn’t have got my confidence and will power to get through it all. Thank you Tanya’s Courage!!” Natalie Edwards – Beneficiary of The Tanya’s Courage Trust.
“Well what can I say Tanya’s Courage is just amazing, brings a smile to your face when your world is coming crashing down around your feet. With Tanya’s Courage its more than just a charity that helps with money and gifts they help emotionally, they have brought so many smiles to my and many others faces when times are so hard and for some so short; it’s an amazing charity with amazing people that surround it helping and supporting each other throughout and after cancer! Cancer doesn’t stop and nor do they!” Steph Roper – Beneficiary of The Tanya’s Courage Trust
“Through their very personal, caring and sensitive approach Tanya's Courage always seems to find a way to bring a smile both to the faces of the young people suffering from cancer and their parents. Tanya's Courage are a dedicated team who are always ready to listen and help in any way they possibly can - I have never known them to say no”. Carole Cleave – Supporter of Tanya’s Courage Trust
“We are delighted that we can call on help from Tanya's Courage for our young adult patients and are pleased to support their excellent work''. Richard Noble - Haematology Oncologist MRCP FRCpath
“I work in the Haematology Clinic supporting patients at diagnosis and through their treatment. Tanya's Courage Trust have helped us on many occasions, a donation is given at diagnosis, and are very helpful and supportive if we need to ask for more help. Help has been given at many levels e.g. a patient has been accompanied to London to an appt, who otherwise would not cope with the journey alone. Financial assistance has been given to fund a short holiday shortly after their relative has died. Many of our young patients have been about to start university or college courses and suddenly find themselves cut off from their friends, the charity can help provide support to fund items that help to fill in time during their hospital stays. We are very grateful for the help Tanya's Courage Trust give to us at a difficult time for many families”. Sue Derbyshire - Haematology Support Nurse
“Iris Billing has something unique. She has shown the courage, determination and ability to turn a personal tragedy into something so positive, in her daughter’s name, for the benefit of young people with cancer. Tanya’s Courage has made such a difference to, and will continue to make a huge positive impact on the lives of so many young people. Their smiles say it all.” Karen Eells – Tanya’s Courage Trust Supporter

Kirsty, Jess, Iris and Claire at a fun evening put on for our Beneficiaries
Lauren and Iris
Jo and Iris at the Ball, May 2009
Jo, Iris and Rosie at the Ball, May 2009
Rosie ebjoying the evening at the Ball, May 2009
Jo enjoying a dance at the Ball, May 2009
Iris and Jo at the Ball, May 2009
Steph, Iris, Jess, Rosie and Nikki at the Celebration Ball May 2009
Iris and Steph at the Celebration Ball May 2009
Lewis Major with Iris, Nikki and his sister
Dave Highland after a 4 day bike ride from Saltash to Lands End with Rosie, June 2009
Iris and Scott at an Event